Badalabougou Rue 765, Porte 565 Bamako-Mali
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 09.00 PM
// Our Services //

Explore Our Services

We Mining Gold

We mine gold in all forms and also refine them to various quality levels depending services on current demands and contracts. Our gold products include Gold Nuggets, Gold Dore Bars, Gold Bars and Gold Dust.

Gold Nuggets

Gold Dore Bars

Gold Bars

Making Sure that you are Satisfied

This is one of the areas where we truly stand out. We believe that retaining customers and making repeat businesses tremendously cuts down on advertising and publicity cost while enabling us maintain high credibility. That is why transactions don't just end with a sale but we proceed to ensuring complete customer satisfaction.

Quality Servicing

Expert Workers

Modern Equipment

We Trade Gold

All the gold we mine are either sold directly or taken to our refineries where they are refined before selling. We also sell gold forms that are acquired as a result of refinery left-overs such as gold dust. We are a duly registered gold mining company.

We can help you acquire a exit Buyer's Permit and order gold from our company.

15 Years Of Experience In Auto Servicing

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Quality Servicing

Expert Workers

Modern Equipment

Read More

Are you looking to buy gold from Africa, but having trouble finding the right place to purchase it?

Our team is dedicated to customers looking for worry-free purchases - from inquiries to pricing and payment, and even documentation/permits - our sales professionals take care of it all. What's more, we provide after-sale service once the deal is closed. So if you're ready to buy gold for yourself, your company, or another client, don't hesitate to contact us!

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